Day 5 of my 21-day grape fast:

Day 5 of my 21-day grape fast:

#Grapefast Day 5:

Raided my mom's herb cupboard which has like 90 different herbs from the West, East and South Africa.

I grew up in here herbs and have learned through osmosis (from my mom) on what to mix for what.

Came up with 6 herbs to make myself a parasite and colon cleanse.

Not pictured here is golden seal powder or the onion water I made for parasite cleansing as well.

Also, didn’t realize we had run out of slippery elm, which is super good for digestive stuff.

I laugh cos now herbs are a thing...growing up, kids used to tease me about not being allowed to get vaccines or drink tablets when I was sick.

The irony is my dad is a pharmacist so the only medicine I took was from him.

My mom was adamant we had to drink these bitter mixes and I was so embarrassed.

And off course everything herbal was connected with witchcraft.

Now I laugh because I was drinking sage and lavender and all that ish in grade 0 and begin teased by other kids.

Now these herbs are a thing.

Anyway, look at me now - going back to basics.

Re the fast:

Day 4 was amazing - had the most energy and was like this ish is so easy.

Day 5, my tummy is a bit sore but I feel it physically relaxing some muscles. My upper back is a bit sore too.

I just want to chill and eat my grapes today.


Testimonial about the 2018 South African Retreat from Tumi

Testimonial about the 2018 South African Retreat from Tumi

Day 3 of my 21-day grape fast:

Day 3 of my 21-day grape fast: