Dealing with Emergency Expenses When Traveling & On the Road
Sri Lanka is turning into this heart opening and spiritual experience, most of which I'll talk about in the next book, because I'm still processing and absorbing the lessons and the unfolding.
learning to trust money
When I looked at my travel plans in December 2016, I wasn't sure I could pull all this off: flying from South Korea to South Africa, vacationing for 3 weeks, then flying back to South Korea for a week, then flying to Sri Lanka, vacationing and doing tantra work for 20 days, flying back to South Korea for 4 weeks and then heading to Dubai.
And still do Wealthy Money work in the process of all this - host workshops, live classes etc. and keep Wealthy Money running.
It seemed impossible.
Oh...did I mention that during this time the plumbing in my apartment in Cape Town also went belly up and the plumbers had to spend a whole day digging through the floor to fix it so my tenants could be comfortable? And at the same time the exhaust on my car fell off (like for real that happened) and needed to be replaced (when I was in Cape Town). All of which were unexpected expenses!!!
I almost died when I saw the cost of all this flying and traveling. I was worried that my budget wouldn't cover everything because I pay for everything cash and don't own a credit card.
how to cover emergency expenses when traveling
I have an emergency account and I try to have at least 4 months income in there in case life happens.
I used a lot of those savings in the last few weeks, which made me anxious and worried.
Eventually I said F*** it, turned into a student started doing the Creating Money Magic eCourse again.
I think, the fact that I'm still breathing and happy is proof that the course is an awesome resource.
Because things did shift, but for the shifts to happen I had to do the work, namely the eCourse meditations and exercises.
But don't take my word for's what one of the Money Magic students shared in the Facebook group yesterday:
What will your life look like 6 months from now?
The decisions you make in the present moment impact your relationship with money in the present and your finances in the future.
Emergency expenses will arise, you will set impossible goals and you will feel overwhelmed by them - that's life.
The key is to have the tools to deal with all these financial changes.
We always assume that tomorrow will be better, but for things to shift, we have to take action and create that shift.

My plans for 2017 just went out the window