Dealing with the Trauma of the Witch Wound

Dealing with the Trauma of the Witch Wound

My coach can confirm that one of the biggest blocks to allowing money into my business and going beyond making R40k/US$2.5k a month in my business was that I feared that I would be accused of witchcraft if I made more than enough money in my business.

Growing up, I saw my mom being accused of witchcraft by other family members.

My one aunt told my sister and I to be wary of my mom because the reason she was able to make the money she made in her businesses was because she was sleeping with snakes and spirits.

I was 12, my sister was 10 years old. 


And I remember being soo scared and vowing not to make money because I didn't want to be accused of witchcraft like my mom.

But already there were whispers about my sister and I, even at that young age - why were we able to go to the private schools we went to and pass?

(Just imagine that mess! Were we supposed to fail?)

And any time money came up as a conversation in my maternal family, people would quickly point out that those people that had money were practicing witchcraft.

My mom was/is also guilty of this because she also accused other members in the family of witchcraft.

There was so much rejection in my maternal family because everyone was scared of being bewitched and I could sense it.

But it didn’t end with the family - people were also scared of other people and what strangers and neighbors could do to them.

I was forbidden from sharing my knowledge of the things I knew in math and science with my friends because my family feared my friends would bewitch me.

I was told my friends didn't really like me and if they saw me excelling they would bewitch. I was a child, we were all children!

Then my mom started losing her money in her business (now I  understand why this happened because I can clearly see the trauma pattern), she started accusing her siblings of witchcraft.

Before long, we were no longer allowed to eat anything my grandmother (her mother) cooked and my mom and I were always fighting because I was always with my granny and would eat her food and would go to her for all my emotional needs. 

Eventually my entire maternal family structure fell apart because of money and trauma, but to this day everyone blames witchcraft.

The vow to stay small and invisible in order to stay safe 

Before I explain how these accusations of witchcraft are a trauma for me, I want to reiterate that trauma is not a big event.

Trauma is simply an event that happens too fast or feels too big for us to digest and integrate into our nervous system.

I lived in terror of making money in my business and I couldn't understand why.

It's only when I started working on my vows of invisibility and my deep deep fear of making more money in my business that the fear of being accused of witchcraft and being rejected because of it, even surfaced.

My inner child felt completely unsafe with having more money and not struggling financially because I would be rejected on the basis of witchcraft.

The very idea of making more money, would cause me to shiver and shake. 

I remembered how these accusations led to the breakdown of my family and how they sometimes led to violence.

I’d remember how the rich people in our village or neighborhood were rejected and gossiped about as having snakes or killing people.

And because of this, having more money felt physically and emotionally unsafe to me.

It took two months for my coach to get me to stop shaking whenever I would talk about the idea of making more money and another month for her to get me to agree to set a whole new income goal and go after it and achieve it.

On the surface, accusing people of practicing witchcraft because they are wealthy or have money, isn’t a big thing. But it was traumatic for my 12 year old self, I was very young and didn't have the resources to process what was going on in my maternal family.

So my inner child just concluded that to stay safe, she needs to make herself small, because then nobody would bother with her - no one would bewitch her or accuse her of witchcraft.

I know this trauma has come up a lot with students in the #MoneyMagic course and I wonder how many people are holding themselves back because parts of them feel unsafe to make money because they fear they will be bewitched or fear they will be accused of witchcraft?

I send students to the vow of invisibility lesson (lesson 19 of the #MoneyMagic course) for this. 

But I also wonder - how many people are confusing trauma, ancestral money patterns and trauma responses with witchcraft?

 If you’re tired of shrinking yourself, are ready to start healing your ancestral money trauma and are feeling ready to create a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more a month, then check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course. You can sign up for the course/ get on the waiting list at this link:

PS: This article is about trauma and not me debating whether or not witchcraft is real.

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