EFT Tapping Script for Forgiveness


KC: Even though I totally refuse to forgive_______________(person’s name), that’s okay this is where I am anyway

Even though I totally refuse to forgive the past and no one can make me forgive the past, that’s okay this is where I am right now

Even though I totally refuse to let go of the past and to forgive ________________ (person’s name), that’s okay this is where I am right now

EB: I refuse to forgive the past

SE: I refuse to forgive the past

UE: And no one can make me let go of this grudge

UN: I refuse to forgive _______________(person)

CH: This grudge keeps me protected

CB: This refusal protects me from getting hurt

UA:  So I totally refuse to move forward from this emotional set point

Gamut: I completely honour my refusal to forgive the past or to forgive__________

TOH: Because my refusal to forgive has honoured me and is honouring me

EFT Tapping Script For the Fear of Rejection

EFT Tapping for Disappointment