How to Build Yourself up Financially, after Rock Bottom
I am so excited to bring you the next installment of the #MoneyMagic series where I talk to one of the students about her journey on losing everything and having to rebuild yourself.
In this week's episode I talk to Thusani Mulaudzi, an author, International Relations practitioner and consultant, about her money journey and how she was able to rise from the ashes.
She shares her journey on how she was always able to manifest at the drop of a hat, then got married and her manifesting abilities went downhill and she started losing money and eventually got divorced before "the ink on her marriage certificate was dry.
We spoke about the link between womb energy, sex and money and what she learned in he remarriage about this and honestly it's worth way hung the video just for this part of the conversation.
She then did the inner work to change her life and explains how she used the lessons in the Money Magic course to launch a consulting company and land her first client, start investing, increase her savings and pay off debt.
Click on the video below to watch this week's interview.
Contact Thusani:
If you're looking for an international relations consultant or you want to order her book, connect with her on Facebook:
♦️ Being scared of what people will say and how they will respond when they find out the truth about your finances
♦️ Playing small and shrinking yourself
♦️ Working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work
♦️ Always ending up at the same financial point no matter what you do
♦️ Not being able to set clear financial boundaries
♦️ Having brilliant money ideas you cannot execute
Then I invite you check out and register for the Money Magic course.