Listening to the Cry Of Your Soul: Why Getting Into Alignment Is Key to Financial Success

Listening to the Cry Of Your Soul: Why Getting Into Alignment Is Key to Financial Success


A few days ago on this blog, I shared an interview I did with Polite on the ‘Link Between the Womb, Ancestral Trauma and Money.

After the interview, Polite and I got to talking and she realized that she didn't get to fully share how the #MoneyMagic course changed her finances and she offered to do a write up of her experience.

Here's what Polite had to say about her money journey:

In my mid to late 20s and early 30s I was confronted by the daunting reality of how my life was just not working out how I had hoped it will. The discord and stuckness of repetitive cycles was becoming more pronounced with time and  I was stuck in a sort of loop that I didn’t seem to have the power to change at the time. 


At the time, money was a point of reference for my discordance, a sore painful point at that. As all I experienced was the never enoughness of it.

I would think and reflect on common feedback I have received over the course of my life: I am Intelligent and super smart, clever, wise beyond my years and gifted and yet this that was supposed to have made my life a success is not proving so. If anything it was challenging this very concept and self-image I had about myself, it was slowly eating at my self-confidence.

By the standards of life and the half-truths I was conditioned to believe, I should have been far, and by far it was to the limited context of prosperity and success. 

I worked hard and I was highly committed, yet, I had nothing to show for it.

On the other hand I had a tendency to trip myself up by going in the opposite direction of defined success routes, despite my countless efforts to tow the line. 

I had a natural disposition to do things I enjoyed, and for some odd reason I assumed this was partly the reason I wasn’t getting money right. Because ease was not part of the journey of success, so unconsciously I discredited myself from income growth. And even in my doing things I enjoyed, I worked extra hard because hard work pays. 

It really baffled me why I was broke and not living the dream. 

The frustration was reflected in confrontations from those who loved and cared for me. To the extent that some people believed myself to be bewitched.


Well, the truth has unfolded such that I now understand that the cry of my soul was actually that, the way I was living was completely out of alignment and resonance to who I am as a person.

When I joined Wealthy Money little did I know that the journey will bring me to a point where I'm living life according to my highest self and unique coding and from this came my unique money code, how I manifest money, how I spend money and how I relate to money in totality.

That there were blockages far removed yet closely related to money that were affecting my financial disposition, that no matter how many rules I applied would render me in the same paradigm of my money experience but most importantly lived experience across all the areas of my life.

And all this meant a limited context of my soul’s truest expression in each and every lived moment. 

I came to learn that there is a specific code of being that is unique to the self, a way in which my physiological, genetic, spiritual and mental disposition, my unique design walks, works, experiences and expresses life in this world. 


*I am learning that my worth and identity are not dictated by my bank account balance.

*I got introduced to the womb work through the course, I got to clear the debris of pain residing in my body (still a journey), enough to hear my truths and develop the courage to live them out and according to them.

*The higher- self meditations give me a glimpse of what the divine journey is for me and grounds me in the confidence to pursue my dreams, it’s like a personal road-map to bringing kingdom on earth.

*The God wound healing opened me to portals of the limitlessness of the realm of possibility and allows me to gently accept my own divinity.

*The resource strategy lesson in the income challenge, opened my eyes to the wealth of abundance I already possess outside money. And helps me anchor in deep appreciation of the richness already in my life. 

*Inner child, inner teen, vows and mother/father wound work opens portals of the vastness of things that influenced my disposition and the tools to heal the associated wounds so that I can manifest money and create a life I desire with much more ease.

And then there is the coach herself who allows herself to unfold right in front of us, her unconventional way of being, doing the work and always feeding back provided reference to me that- Yes, it is possible to live differently and still make money and create wealth because I saw it happen with her. 

This to me is the original TESTIMONEY!

So last week in a call with Vangile, for the interview, which is the very reason I am writing this, it dawned on me that I am okay to want to live and work a certain way and this does not in any way diminish the principles governing a successful business or thriving life. 

That I can decide to follow my star no matter how crazy it seems, which doesn’t seem crazy at all anymore. 

I now follow my womb’s wisdom and an Inner Guidance System to guide how I engage work on a monthly basis. I also use the various tools to anchor me in the practicality of things yet engaging them in a more aligned manner.

Because what is healed is the lack and scarcity mentality 

And on a deeper note, it is the sense of self that didn’t see herself as intrinsically valid and worthy! There is nothing is wrong with me and being me.

It becomes something of a marvel that I can grant myself permission to actually live as I please without assuming the irresponsibility of how it is painted.

 Because now I am taught that “pleasure is also a way of life” and that “Ease is the cousin of expansion.”

And this is how it looks like on a practical level:  

  1. Being off on my period days if they fall in the week, this is usually 3 days of the week, unless there really is a pressing matter that is unavoidable and can’t be planned for the future. For the most part I am home, resting 

  2. Framing my work and life structure around the various seasons as represented by my menstrual cycle.  when to pitch, launch, market, do sales  or administrative work

  3. Working 3 to 4 hours a day in and on my business (it took a lot of work to accept, understand that hard work and many hours are not necessarily what brings results). This is flexible in that I can choose to do 8 hours given the demand at the time, but this has long shifted from being a standard

  4. I sleep (I have always failed at being a hustler). I do not do business work at night nor do I hustle and I hardly do work at home too. 

I am starting to get that my way is the high way, and the results are phenomenal

My normal week in terms of work looks something like this:

  • 3-4 days off 

  • 3-4 days in

  • Religiously doing my Weekly Income Goal sheet (offers directive into my income aligned actions and is a great focal tool  which  helps for optimizing my time, creative ability, and energy as well as to prioritise work and personal life)

  • My morning is given to inner work as I understand deeply how this is the most important work for me

  • Work days start at 10am and ends at 3pm sometimes 4pm and occasionally at 1pm

  • The rest of my day at the workplace is given to gardening, where I reflect, engage and meditate and engage in an activity that is both something I love that I am soon to turn into an income generating stream in the near future

This work (#MoneyMagic course) has allowed me the freedom to make money and create an income the way that speaks to my soul. And I do deliver, the method or way I do it is unconventional, but the results in themselves are telling.

The gift this course has given me is a recourse to my journey and an authentic expression of my higher self. Making money becomes a calm, possible and powerful co-creative process and beautiful partnership between myself, money and the Divine. 

And to this I got the greatest sigh of relief,  it is okay to be me, wholly, truly and freely and this opens me more to financial freedom. 

Connect with Polite on Facebook:


Then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.


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