Trauma Makes it Hard to Hear Our Intuition and Inner Guidance

Trauma Makes it Hard to Hear Our Intuition and Inner Guidance

I am reminded of a memory, a few years ago when I lived in Puerto Escondido, Mexico and my friend Lavie and I were walking down the road in Rinconanda. I got an Instagram DM from a virtual friend (originally from Canada) saying, "Are you in Puerto I think you just walked past me."

I was like, "Yeah, I'm in Puerto, where are you?"

She then proceeded to tell me, she is literally 2 mins away, we met in person for the first time and found out she lived 2 mins walk from me and Lavie and has been dying to join the yoga studio where I went.

None of us even lived in this part of town, but somehow in a chance meeting we all met and she just happened to look up as I was walking by.

We all ended up having a 60 mins conversation on the street and I walked away with a whole new idea for a new income stream from this meeting.

And it's soo seamless and epic! 

And it was the most logical growth for Wealthy Money. 

Lavie walked away with clarity on how to build her systems and operations and my friend was even more sure of what she was working on.

At that moment, we were all aware we had just shifted into the next level.

It's so crazy how these chance meetings keep happening in various countries on all my travels.

I keep thinking to myself - I am so glad I can listen to my internal guidance. I trusted the guidance to move to Oaxaca, Mexico. I am grateful that I don't always debate and overthink.

I have learned not to delay what I hear and to trust it.

I could write a book about how my business has scaled from such moments.

It sometimes looks crazy when I do the things I do because it's not "work or strategy" but it is work and intuition is strategy. 

It's the work of healing (it's a constant journey) so that my fear doesn't run the show and I trust when that inner voice (or my guides or ancestors) tells me to go somewhere at the time it tells me.

It's what I teach my clients as well because trauma blocks us from hearing our intuition and can keep us acting from a space of fear. As we heal and work with our ancestors and guides we create magic.

I’m always amazed by these meetings because they really are about something Divine. So many elements have to be at play for these chance meetings to happen.

I really believe this journey can be fun and a little miraculous.

If this is resonating with you and you want to start utilizing your intuition to build your business, then I want to invite you to check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course/ waiting list at this link:

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