How to Profit from Multi-let Properties that cost less than R1 million (US$65,772)

How to Profit from Multi-let Properties that cost less than R1 million (US$65,772)

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In this week’s episode, we talk to Jade Barkhuysen, a full-time property investor and coach, based in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Jade’s goal was to be a sportsman, but he ended up starting a motor business in his third year of university and ended up in property investing.

He bought his first property because an agent told him it was a great deal and because he didn’t know about property investing or deal analysis, he ended up losing R3000 a month on that property.

He then went out and got a property coach and started reading up on property and learning about property investing and focused his attention on cash flow positive deals.

He started making money by sourcing deals (assisted sales) and then moved on to a flipping, multi-lets and the student accommodation strategy.

In this podcast he breaks down his multi-let strategy and explains how he makes money by finding properties that are below R1 million (US$65,772), renovating them and then converting them into multi lets.

He also shares how he finds these deals and the areas he focuses on in order to get the deals and why he focuses on those areas.

This is one of those podcasts where a lot of wisdom was shared in a short space of time.

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