Creating Generational Wealth by Investing in Dividend Paying Shares

Creating Generational Wealth by Investing in Dividend Paying Shares


How do you create generational wealth by investing on the stock market?

Can you create a consistent cash flow by investing in shares?

My guest for the #MoneyMagic series interview this week is one of my friends, Vongani (Vonks) Nkuna who has launched Public and Proper, an investment company that aims to help South Africans create generational wealth by investing in trillion-dollar stock markets around the world.

Vonks refers to himself as an investment enthusiast; he studied copywriting at Red&Yellow in Cape Town but was always interested in investing and making money as an investor, so he did most of his school projects on investment companies.

When he got out of school he went to work for his dad, who was in the petroleum industry and learned about the commodities market, which took him back to the share market.

He then started an investment company - Nkuna Equity, where he started experimenting with his investment ideas and saw that they worked and he was generating a consistent cash flow from following a value investing strategy and investing in dividend-paying shares.

Now he is replicating this success on a larger scale, whilst also helping others build a successful investment portfolio with a consistent cash flow, which is why he launched Public and Proper.

[Full disclosure: I am one of the Directors of Public and Proper.]

Public and Proper, is looking to raise R50 million (US$3.3 million) in 2021. Anyone in the general public will be able to buy shares, the minimum buy-in will start at R1000 (US$64). Yep, you only need R1000, to be a shareholder.

Shareholders will own part of Public and Proper, which is as a company will go out and acquire underpriced shares of stable companies in different parts of the world. 

We will focus on investing in retail companies that pay a dividend. The company’s focus is on acquiring great shares that it can hold onto for the long term and on creating a cash cow so that shareholders get a payout twice a year.

As a shareholder, you get to own the company, so you make money from the appreciation of the share price and you also get cash flow. You can live off the cash flow and leave the shares to your descendants when you pass on.

If you’re interested in investing, learning more about the stock market and/or just learning how shares and dividends work, then this is the episode for you.

Vonks does a really great job of unpacking investing and the stock market for us. You are in for a treat.

Grab a journal and a cup of coffee/tea and click play on the video below.

How do you create generational wealth by investing on the stock market?Can you create a consistent cash flow by investing in shares?My guest for the #MoneyMa...

If you are interested in being a shareholder, contact Vonks:

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Via email: or


✴️ Start working on growing an extra stream of income that generates US$2,500/R40,000 a month

✴️ Start working on your financial expansion from a space of ease

✴️ Follow your own intuitive nudges on how to grow your income and believe in yourself and your gut

✴️ Set bold limitless money goals that grow steadily over time

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