Episode 100: Healing the Mother Wound: A Conversation with Moshitadi Lehlomela

Episode 100: Healing the Mother Wound: A Conversation with Moshitadi Lehlomela

In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Moshitadi Lehlomela, author of “The Girl Who Survived Her Mother.”

She discusses her work as a mother wound recovery coach and her experiences with the mother wound. She shares that she realized she had a mother wound at university and how therapy helped her understand the impact of her relationship with her mother on her mental health. She defines the mother wound as trauma resulting from inadequate mothering, which can include neglect, abandonment, and abuse.

Moshitadi emphasizes the importance of addressing and healing this wound to improve one's overall well-being.

She also shares her journey of overcoming guilt and shame associated with discussing her mother wound and receiving backlash from others. She highlights the importance of building healthy relationships and boundaries to protect oneself from further harm. Through her healing process, Moshitadi has learned to embrace joy, allow herself to be loved, and increase her capacity for happiness and peace. She also discusses the significance of having supportive friends who help her navigate her healing journey.

She also shares how her mother's unhealthy relationship with money influenced her own financial behaviors. She struggled with guilt and shame around spending money on herself and often found herself in debt. She has worked on reframing her beliefs about money and building capacity for financial success, especially in relationships. She encourages others to start their healing journey, interact with supportive communities, and seek financial freedom alongside emotional healing. 

Contact Moshitadi at: https://linktr.ee/Moshitadi 

This is another insightful episode.

Tune in.

Click play on the video to watch.

During this episode, you will learn about:

02:28: Introduction to Moshitadi

05:00:  Writing “The Girl Who Survived Her Mother”

06:50: When Moshitadi realized she had a mother wound 

10:48: Dealing with criticism and backlash for talking about the mother wound

15:36: The difference between the law of attraction  and healing

19:40: Dealing with abusive mothers

25:08: Learning love from friends 

32:54: Healing the mother wound

41:02: The link between the mother wound and the relationship with money

49:13: How Moshitadi changed her relationship with money 50:14: 

55:05: Going no contact with your mother

01:02:51: Building the capacity for joy

01:06:00: Surrounding yourself with good people

01:15:08: Last words from Moshitadi  

Notable Quotes 

1. “Because ultimately, as much as we can heal as individuals, it helps to have people around us heal as well so that we're not so isolated.”

2. “I really tried to change my mum with my thoughts to be happy so that I'm vibrating higher than her anger. It just didn't work. It really didn't work.”

3. “We can't manage anyone's emotions for them. We can't change their behavioural habits.”

4. “My work is to work on me and to make sure that I'm here.” 

5. “My friends have been teaching me what it is to be loved.”

Additional money resources:

One on One Coaching: https://www.wealthy-money.com/coaching 

Money Magic course: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic 

7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: https://wealthy-money.com/training

Let’s connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/ 

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Episode 101: Understanding and Healing Money Karma

Episode 99: Connecting with the Spirit of Money: From Barter to Bitcoin

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