Episode 96: Money, Trauma, Ballet & the Power of Presence

Episode 96: Money, Trauma, Ballet & the Power of Presence

In this week’s episode of the  MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Lise Brenner, a former ballet dancer turned somatic work practitioner. Lise is also a Wealthy Money coaching client and #MoneyMagic student who delves into her journey of reconnecting with herself, navigating career shifts, and emphasizing body awareness for creative expression and emotional well-being.

Lise elaborates on the interplay between body awareness, emotional healing, and self-image, particularly within the ballet world's standards of body shape and size.

She shares the unseen challenges faced by dancers, contrasting glamorous perceptions with the dedication and hard work behind the scenes.

She reflects on her ongoing journey of self-acceptance and body positivity, advocating for embracing one's body and cultivating a positive self-relationship, especially in industries like ballet that prioritize specific body types.

The conversation also explores the connection between money, trauma, and self-worth, with Lise giving insights into her struggles with financial stability and self-perception, highlighting the impact of upbringing and societal standards on her relationship with money.

She also shares her path of healing and transformation, addressing challenges related to chronic pain, emotional eating, and body image issues through practices like meditation and somatic experiencing.

She emphasizes the significance of being present in one's body, honouring emotional needs, and fostering empowerment in navigating life's complexities. 

This is another insightful episode.

Tune in.

Click play on the video to watch.

During this episode, you will learn about:

03:40: Introduction of Lise Brenner as a guest on the podcast

05:48: How do you define yourself as a soul?

10:15: Moving to New York with US$1,000 in savings

13:46:  Feeling like money and safety came from men

17:34: Moving to Amsterdam

22:30: How moving to Europe changed Lise’ thinking    

 31:28: Helping people get into their bodies and the transformation it brings

36:24: How to become aware of your emotions and the sensations in the body

40:22: Using meditation techniques to help people drop into their bodies

43:58: Using your body to discover your truth and next steps

49:59: The link between money and the body

54:55: Learning to be present with money

01:03:15: Contact Lise: https://www.lisebrenner.com/ or https://www.instagram.com/lisebrenner/

Notable Quotes 

1.  "The challenge isn't doing it right. The challenge is showing up and doing it."

2. "How can I allow myself to make substantial, secure money, be financially abundant, make good choices, and stop the starvation bingeing thing?"

3. "How can I be present with money the same way I'm trying to be present with my body?"

4. "I realised that the reason why a lot of my writing failed was because I was standing way far away from it, too afraid to actually be present in my body and say what was actually true."

5. "Everybody can move, everybody can dance. Everybody has the capacity to feel joy and completion in their body as they move."

Additional money resources:

One on One Coaching: https://www.wealthy-money.com/coaching 

7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training: https://wealthy-money.com/training

Let’s connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/ 

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