Growing up Everyone Talked about Saving but not Expansion

Growing up Everyone Talked about Saving but not Expansion

A few years ago, I had a call with Dr. Venus and I learned that she charged US$20 000 to coach people (I think her fees may have gone up now).

Up until then, I’d never met a coach, let alone a Black coach that charged that much and I couldn't understand who would pay that much for coaching or masterminds.

Now I get it. 

I get the reason people invest that much or more in coaches and masterminds. Fast forward to now, where people invest US$20,000/R200,000 to work privately with me or do mastermind sessions with me.

Because it's about the return on investment. 

I had to go through a deep mindset shift to understand the value of inner work and mindset work and how it ties to expansion.

I’ve learned that I can get where I'm going soo much faster with coaches who know what I don't know, I don't know.

Honestly there are so many things I didn't even know I didn't know so how could I even work around them? 

And I can get to my goal a lot quicker in a tribe of people who are aiming soo much higher than me.

So today, I am celebrating being this woman who has upleveled her business so much, she actually invests USDl$15,000 (R240,000) in a business mastermind so she can grow herself and grow her business.

Growing up, no one talked about expansion or how to consistently increase income 

People spoke a lot about saving, but not income growth and how to grow income CONSISTENTLY or create extra streams of income. 

I started Wealthy Money with a focus on teaching people about saving and changing spending habits - it's why I created the 5 Day Bank Account Challenge.

But I realized that whilst saving was great, it was actually limiting, there's so only so much one can save if their income isn't growing.

So I started focusing on expansion. 

I had to learn the truth - that expansion and saving were 2 different mindsets and I had to learn to balance the two, because too much focus on either one can actually have an opposite impact.

So I committed to investing in myself and in my expansion by learning more about myself and how I wanted to expand and joining masterminds, hiring coaches and creating my own body of work around expansion based on what was coming up for me and my clients.

I started to change my focus in the #MoneyMagic course and started focusing on income growth and getting people out of the cycle of debt. .

A huge focus of the #MoneyMagic course is on increasing income. 

The more I did the inner work and invested in shifting my mind, the faster I was able to grow my income to R100k/US$6,000 a month and keep growing over time. 

So if you feel ready to start expanding financially and increasing your income every month,  and you haven't signed up for the course yet, I wanna invite you to sign up/get on the waiting list for the Money Magic course at this link:

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