Testimonial about the 2019 South African Retreat from Billie Jean

Testimonial about the 2019 South African Retreat from Billie Jean

Soo I'm toying with the idea of doing a retreat next weekend in the village (the Thai retreat is all set).

I asked some of the former retreaters to write about their experience of my retreats and how it shifted them financially so I can post these on the blog as blog posts but I’m delaying so will post on here cos, I'm so emotional from reading everyone's feedback and the sweet notes they sent me on the side

Billie Jean came to the God Wound retreat in the village in March and here's what she said:

You know Vangile I feel like this is more of a letter to you than a testimonial.

Can I please start way back, when I got to know you from Soul Blaze and then later on liked your page. It was in 2013 and you had your ASK TUESDAYS - these were different. You encouraged us to just ask and leave the rest to the UNIVERSE. So, one Tuesday I boldly asked "To travel the world with my kids." I honestly did not have saving or plan on how this will happen, I had just gotten divorced. Since that bold ask, my kids and I have been on a cruise to Mozambique, Lesotho, Mpumalanga and this year we are going to Mauritius. Every time our passports get stamped, I get a little emotional, this was a far-fetched dream for me.

I joined your Master Class, which I never finished, because it exposed that I misused money a lot (I am an emotional spender) and I guess at the time I was not ready to let go, probably used money as a crutch after the divorce. This is where I also got to learn more about yoga/meditation (you sent us recordings) and I would do this with my kids, it honestly brought us closer...cause somehow, I would get to know what their "happy place" was...I could ask relevant questions like "what makes you sad" and the responses I would get would break me because I wouldn’t have known had I not asked. I got the clarity, the stillness to hear the urge to ask those questions when we were meditating. And this is where I realized that meditation/yoga is not demonic (I am Christian) in fact it can open doors to a deeper relationship with your soul/inner being?

2019, I have a saving account (YESS ME!!!) that I could withdraw from to attend your retreat...so I borrowed from no one. Vangile I am still unpacking what happened that weekend, especially during yoga, the notes I have I keep re-reading because they seem to be fresh, new and mean something different from the time I jotted them down. "Silent Vows" I have soooooo many of those...I once made a silent vow unknowingly while I was still married to my then husband that if we were to divorce, I was going to date a poor guy just to prove to him that I am not materialistic...and true to that, when we divorced, I dated a broke ass author!

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! It lasted for 6 months. I made a silent vow to not be extravagant or not to show off, this is not me, I love to be extra, I love to be celebrated...I took a silent vow that I love helping out.

For the first time my eyes were opened to what a lie I have been living. I would borrow people the money I did not have, since the retreat, saying NO is not an issue for me and guess what Vangile, my NO has cost me a lot of friends! Clearly, they were my friends for the money.

Spiritually, I have been dreaming dreams Vangile, that did not make sense until I consulted with your sister. Some of the things I used to do in my house without knowing it are things that my ancestors used to do, eg praying with a candle and water. I got to re-establish my relationship with my ancestors and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Relationships, I am getting proposed left right and center...I am enjoying being "picky" I know who I want.

Finances, I have bought a few shares, increased my savings monthly and really thinking of starting a company. I have already registered it, but need to get to starting it and investing my time on it.

To be honestly, I would do this retreat at least twice a year, just to monitor my growth and grow more.

Love you stax.

PS: here are some pics with Billie Jean from the retreat.

PPS: I just decided on the retreat last night so I have space. Hit me up of you want to attend. I have about 2 weeks left in SA and will only be back in 2020 so I would love to do a retreat before I leave.


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