Money has Nothing to do with Discipline even though on the Surface it Appears that Way

Money has Nothing to do with Discipline even though on the Surface it Appears that Way

This obsession with having fiscal discipline or being positive, used to cause me so much pain and shame, because it used to make me feel weak willed and like there was something wrong with me!

Besides, we've been in a pandemic and are in the midst of global changes; it's normal to be scared, not to feel positive and to lack discipline.

Can you imagine what a hot mess I would be if I forced myself to feel positive and happy about having to cancel my retreats in 2020?

That was a whole stream of income and I was concerned about what would happen to my business.

I know what that self flagellation to be someone different feels like - I used to beat myself up for never having money in my bank account and spending whatever I had saved or always finding a need to borrow money after having paid off a debt.

What I've seen over the years, is that the more I did the inner work and worked with my money trauma, the more I was able to change my money habits, the more “disciplined” I became and the more relaxed I became about money.

I have run the bank account challenge with hundreds of people (the last time I ran this challenge I had 1300 people join) and I have seen how healing our money trauma is what leads to financial change.

The more I worked on my money trauma the easier it became for me to be at peace with money, no matter how much I had or how much money I had to let go of in my account.

I also started a business saving account and it felt easy to do this. I don't beat myself up to save the business funds. I actually want to do it and if the account goes down, like it is right now, I'm still able to breathe.

I can truly say the decision to cancel the retreat and give refunds didn't give me sleepless nights. And this to me is the power of the work we do in the #BankAccountChallenge.

How would it feel for you to be able to make difficult financial decisions from a space of ease?

This is what the Fall In Love With Your Bank Account Challenge will teach you to do. 

If this is resonating with you, then join the course at this link:

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